Sunday, December 15, 2013

Yes, I'm Planting Seeds!

We've been stuck inside during the snowstorm.  I've been watching garden and permaculture videos.  Sad, I know.  I had to start some seeds!  Hopefully these broccoli seedlings will make it and I'll be able to put them outside in a south facing coldframe in a couple of months.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Morning Harvest - Sweet Potatoes!

Harvested sweet potatoes this morning from the front flower bed.  The neighborhood deer had trimmed the leaves from the vines and the frost killed the rest.  This treasure was waiting underground :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I've been waiting for strawberries this year.  I was determined to grow delicious strawberries rather than always buy them from the store.  There is no comparison in the flavor.

My favorite way to grow them is definitely in Earthboxes or self watering grow boxes.  We have two boxes on the picnic table on the back patio.  No worrying about slugs (which always seem to beat me to the fruit) and they rarely dry out.  Easy to keep watered.  :)

Monday, May 27, 2013

New Potatoes!

This spring we planted two planters on the driveway with pansies, thyme, and potatoes.

Soon, the potatoes were thriving and overcrowding the pansies (which were wilting under the hot sun anyway).   As the weather was getting hot, and the flower pots were drying out quickly, we decided to harvest the potatoes and use the pots for something else.

From both pots we harvested approximately two pounds of new potatoes.  Not bad container gardening :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Sweet Potatoes

Sprouting  sweet potatoes!  We are starting to plant them in the ground now.  This one sweet potato has given us about fifteen sprouts already.  I purchased this potato at our local organic market.  They must be organic because conventional potatoes are commonly sprayed to prohibit sprouting.