Thursday, June 14, 2012

Love Flowers - Outside and In!

Love flowers outside and inside. Great to bring in pollinators for the garden. Siberian Iris above and Feverfew below :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

4 x 4 Raised Bed

Here is our 4 x 4 foot raised bed. Currently, it contains 2 tomato plants, 2 fennel, 1 cilantro, 1 parsley, 2 pepper plants, and cucumber seedlings (hence the wire fencing in the foreground) and one sweet potato vine. It IS a tight fit. We did have yellow jackets take up residence, but our good friend E (who must have skin of leather) kindly disposed of the squatters :) Will keep you posted on the progress!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Potatoes and Onions

The potatoes are flowering! We're halfway there. Will wait until the vines die before harvesting. The onions are developing nicely!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Praying Mantis!

Our good friend E shared some praying mantis egg casings. They have now hatched! Hopefully they'll be chowing down on the bad 'ens this summer :)